jason chambers photographers
Welcome to my Lake District Photography Blog. This is where you will find my recent work whether it's my Cumbria Wedding Photography, Portraits, Lake District Landscapes or personal projects. If you're looking for someone that has found their natural gift of photography and is truly passionate about what they do, drop me a line for more details and availability.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Lake District Mountain Biking

Just a quick video here taken with a point and shoot of our awsome day out biking in the Lakes dropping down to the Buttermere Valley. Not quite the quality of my Canon 5D mark 2 footage but the point and shoot fits in my pocket a little easier.

Keswick Mountain Biking Grasmoor Summit from Jason Chambers on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Neato Vid. Just stumbled upon you blog via a search on Cannondale Moto.



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