jason chambers photographers
Welcome to my Lake District Photography Blog. This is where you will find my recent work whether it's my Cumbria Wedding Photography, Portraits, Lake District Landscapes or personal projects. If you're looking for someone that has found their natural gift of photography and is truly passionate about what they do, drop me a line for more details and availability.

Monday, 27 April 2009

Portrait Photography in Keswick

A portrait session in Keswicks Blubell Paradise woodland including a superstar of a boy a crocodile and a chocolate labrador.

Portraits in Keswick from Jason Chambers on Vimeo.


  1. Lovely bluebells Jason must get to see them

  2. Yeah make sure you do before they die down.
    For the past few years I have been wanting to create something with them but have never got around to it.

  3. Hey Jason!
    What a fab video of Harvey!! all my friends at work have just been oooh ahhh
    awhhh-ing at him! And they are all getting married in mexico, turkey etc soon and want to know if you'll travel to do their weddings!! I don't know if that would become a reality but they love your work! Is adele's wedding still on you site, i couldn't find it...?
    Hope all's well with you,
    love and laughter

  4. Hey Georgina,
    Pleased you and your friends loved the slideshow and yeah I would love to shoot some more weddings overseas.




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